Cool Springs Family Medicine kungör att de har slutat att administrera vaccin…

Blogginlägget skrevs den 31 maj 2016 på klinikens hemsida. Bara några dagar efter att de hade proklamerat att Familjehälsan nu slutar att administrera vaccin så raderades inlägget helt. Hade de blivit utsatta för påtryckningar? Sedan dess har sidan nämligen varit spårlöst borta.

Genom google gick det att återskapa informationen. Det här är en ögonblicksbild av hur informationen såg ut den 3 juni 2016.  Inlägget publicerades ursprungligen på med rubriken: No More Vaccines at Cool Springs Family Medicine.

Underbart att vårdpersonal går ut med sådan information, och lika tråkigt är det att de har tystnat… Numera har till och med hela bloggen plockats bort från hemsidan, vilken hade mycket matnyttig information kring autism och andra tillstånd som orsakas av vaccin, men de har dock missat att radera alla sökvägar. Här är en:

picMay 31, 2016

No More Vaccines at Cool Springs Family Medicine

We will no longer be administering Vaccines at Cool Springs Family Medicine (CSFM).

How come?

1. Because they can cause Autism – yes, I’ve had 15 years’ experience in taking care of ASD kids, that’s a lot of vaccine injury stories from moms. Don’t tell me that they are making it up or they are just reaching for an explanation, or that it was a coincidence or that they are just too stressed, or that they are uninformed. All of those arguments are stupid.

Don’t quote the single study by the CDC that shows that MMR is not linked to Autism. One of the authors of that paper, Dr. Thompson, said that the data was falsified and the study manipulated. So, with this information and the lack of studies that prove the safety of combined vaccines, I can do no harm, so I’m out.

2. Polysorbate 80, Aluminum, formaldehyde, animal DNA with viruses, and many other ingredients in vaccines, are not good to inject into babies. Think of cancer, and autoimmune disease.

3. Epigenetics is a new science that explains exactly why, not every child is going to react the same way to vaccines, and sacrificing the few, for the many is not acceptable. Actually, if you understand the science, which many mothers with vaccine inured children do, you can see that it is actually many are at risk and are asked to be sacrificed for the few.

4. We can do better. Right now, it is a whole lot cheaper to propagate a multi-million dollar campaign to promote vaccines and hide behind the vaccine injury protection act, than it is to develop a safe vaccine program.

5. Gardasil? Are you kidding me? It is not safe. Just read the package insert and if you are still not convinced, those that developed cervical cancer or neuroimmune disorders or other complications from the vaccine would be glad to talk to you.

6. Vaccine development began in earnest in the 1930’s. Genetics, Epigenetics, the role of environmental toxins on the immune system, is much more recent than that. Guess what? We know a lot more now. Isn’t it time to incorporate that knowledge into the development of safe vaccines?

7. Dr. Andew Wakefield’s research was properly defended and vindicated 4 years ago. The Lancet paper stands: There is a link between the MMR vaccine and Autism.

8. The argument that we will be thrust into the dark ages if we suspend the vaccine program is nonsense. There are many arguments against this, but, to make it simple, we are in the dark ages. We have a plague of autoimmune diseases including Autism. There is a plaque of Acquired Immune Dysfunction (ring a bell?).

Listen, I know I have been a little tongue and cheek about this, but really, I could wax on for a long time on any one of the 8 points that I brought up, and I’m sure I could list a lot more. I am not going to do that in cyperspace, I am not going to engage in internet battles, but, just as I have always done, as is my responsibility as a Family Physician, I will be an advocate for each of my patients as best as I know how. Also, I will always continue to respect the informed choices my patients make.
